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6 tips to maintain your silhouette this Christmas

6 tips to maintain your silhouette this Christmas

The high calorie intake and lack of exercise during Christmas are synonymous for extra pounds.

Here are some tips to help you maintain a healthy weight during the holidays.

To avoid restrictive diets that help us get rid of those extra pounds that we have gained in just a few days; we must do is celebrate Christmas in the healthiest way possible.

Here are some recommendations:


1. Don't skip meals

Do not eat everything that falls on your plate. The objective is to distribute meals into smaller intakes, even on holidays. Fasting all day to enjoy Christmas or New Year's dinner is not a good idea. Getting to the table on an empty stomach will make you eat anxiously and more than you should.

Of course, what we must do is that the rest of the meals are lighter; with more fruits and vegetables that are rich in fiber.

6 tips to maintain your silhouette this Christmas


2. Eat slowly and chew food well

6 tips to maintain your silhouette this Christmas

Not because the table is overflowing with delicacies we should eat fast.  There will be time to try everything. Serve yourself little by little and enjoy and savor the dishes.

Take advantage of the fact that you are with family or friends to chat during lunch or dinner. This will get

you to eat more slowly and chew food thoroughly.  This will also help your body digest better.



3. Drink plenty of water and avoid alcohol as much as possible

Hydrate throughout the day both at meals and off. Hydration should

be progressive so that our body can assimilate it.

Avoid alcohol as much as possible. That doesn't mean you can't toast, but that you moderate your consumption for its harmful effects on your health and for its calorie intake.

6 tips to maintain your silhouette this Christmas


4. Make healthy dishes even at holiday meals

6 tips to maintain your silhouette this Christmas

Today you can prepare equally spectacular dishes for Christmas meals, but with lower fat content.

For example:

  • Starters: They must be light to allow us to reach the main courses without being excessively full
  • First course: A broth or cream is two good options for a healthy first course.
  • Second course: Either meat or fish. If you make it in the oven, it will have less fat and will be a tasty option.
  • Dessert: A Greek yogurt with mango puree and dark chocolate. You will have a healthy option that’s delicious and that will help you cover that sweet treat.



5. Engage in moderate physical activity

Despite the commitments and Christmas appointments it is always possible to take some time for ourselves.

A way to take care of ourselves and not completely abandon physical activity.

6 tips to maintain your silhouette this Christmas


6. Do not forget that this Christmas you are the protagonist.

6 tips to maintain your silhouette this Christmas

This is the perfect excuse to feel great and to be your best version.  Feel divine, regal and empowered.

Plan your favorite outfit and go shopping at our physical and/or online stores EQUILIBRIUM and Complement your outfit with one of our jeans or a girdle that will make you feel more beautiful. Or enhance that part of your body that you want much to highlight.


Follow these simple tips and you will be set for the New Year. You can do this!




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